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________ is on my mind, again | Pt. 1

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

___________ is on my mind, again.

I am scared for them.

Now that I know they have considered suicide,

I am filled with fear.

How can you let a child of yours feel this sort of pain?

How can you watch on as your child hurts?

Come and care for them.

Rescue them from the darkness which consumes their mind.

Let your love be louder and more intense than the lies which plague them.

And, although I feel weak and unsure,

I ask that you will supply me the strength to be the person that they need during this crisis.

Bring warmth to my words and gentleness to my lips.

Enable me to hear what is behind their cry.

Humble my ego and stop me from trying to fix them.

Provide me the endurance to not leave their side.

I rest in the truth that despite how much I love ___________,

your love for them is so much greater.

You will not leave them,

for you have committed yourself to them.


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